Saturday, 21 May 2016

My boy lollipop

You make my heart go giddyup.  DH took this photo of Harlee-Jay eating one of the lollipops that came with one of my Lollipop Box subscription.

We are off on holiday with his little chap for a week and his parents which will be both fun and no doubt tiring, just hoping we get some sunnshine.  I thought I'd take some home baked goodies with me and had a go at making some rhubarb muffins as our rhubarb has shot up in the last few weeks.  The recipe came from The Healthy Food guide I buy most months.  They don't look exactly like the photo in the magazine but hopefully they will taste nice enough.

I also made us a rhubarb crumble for desert yesterday evening which was delicious.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I don't think I've ever managed to bake something that looks like the promised picture lol! I'm sure they tasted as good though!