Friday, 19 February 2016

Three quarters there.

Stitch your stress away.  ~Author Unknown

Yesterday was a very busy day at work - with it being half term this week we have been short staffed, loads of work to try and get done every day.  While I don't find it stressful I did find it exhausting and was very glad to spend an hour or so doing some stitching in the evening to help unwind.

I decided to work on June from the Cottage Garden Samplings and I am now three quarters of the way to completion.  Also this week I have managed to add two more motifs to the baby sampler a few more required this evening if I manage to get the grandchildren settled down early enough but I'm not that optimistic there = LOL.


Justine said...

That's very pretty. Hope the grandchildren behaved for you!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I love these Cottage Garden charts. The colours are so well chosen for each month.

Karen K said...

I love the bees, they are just so sweet and so effective and their little hive is super cute. You are a very clever and precise stitcher Linda. Have a super weekend dear friend

k x

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Lovely stitching,this is so pretty.