Sunday, 21 February 2016

Peace is resumed

Logan and Savannah certainly brought a smile to our faces this weekend.  Peace obviously arrived once we had taken them back home LOL.

Logan practising his balancing skills.

Savannah practising her tea making and hostessing skills.

Once peace had been resumed I was able to pick up my needle and thread and managed to complete June's Chrysantheum for the Cottage Garden Samplings

Feeling really pleased with myself - three finishes this year, even if they are only small finishes.


Annie said...

What a lovely finish! Ah, the best part of babysitting is handing the kids back over to mum and dad LOL!

Poppypatchwork said...

It takes some getting use to the quiet after the grand children go home.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

June's design is lovely, the honeysuckle is beautiful.

Christine said...

Lovely finish Linda, and super pictures of Logan and Savannah

catherine said...

Sorry for not having been around for a while Linda but I must have thought I had transferred your new blog to my list !!! I was wondering where you were!! Silly me but I have done it now! Great pics of the kids and I will now have some catching up to do on your blog.
x catherine

Karen K said...

Super cute photos and congratulations on your three finishes.... it certainly makes you feel great when you do complete something.