Monday, 2 May 2016

Sunday's progress

Weak eyes are fondest of glittering objects. ~Thomas Carlyle

I wasn't able to get as much stitched on the Cornwall Cottage Sampler this week as I  would have liked -tired eyes.  My main objective this week though was to make sure the large motif I started last week was finished, that at least was achieved.

There are two large motifs, two small motifs, half a motif , the remainder of the internal border, my name and date and a little bit of backstitch left to stitch.  

There are a few more weeks worth of work to be done on this but when it is finished I shall miss adding to this every week.  However, my mind is already racing away and wondering what I will stitch in its place.


Justine said...

So close Linda! Hope your eyes are better soon.

Christine said...

Oh I do like that pomegranate motif

Brigitte said...

Great to see how far you are on this piece.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Lovely update.Hope your eyes feel better soon.

Ana said...

You almost have it! I love it!

Karen K said...

Looking fabulous Linda, not far to go now.

k x

Julie said...

It's stunning, I love to see it each week