Another week has flown by so it's time to see what other WOYWW folk have been up to. You can join in by checking out Julia's blog The Stamping Ground for more info.
At the beginning of the year I started decorating index cards and taking part in 6 Year Journal Every Day prompts - January went well. However, in February for the first part of the month health wise I felt terrible, cough, cold, water infection and general lethargy meant I spent minimal time in my craft room. It meant I didn't have time to decorate any journal cards and I think I was also disheartened by the fact that if I did keep it going they would not all fit back into the original index box.
On Monday I went in and had my nails done and virtually right opposite the nail salon is Paperchase, a store I can't resist going in to have a look around. While I was in there I saw a 2016 planner reduced by 50% and decided to purchase it and use this for my 5 Year Journal instead.
I have decided to cover over the year at the top of the pages so that it can be used for the whole five years. There is enough room for each day to answer the prompts and still probably be able to decorate the pages as and when. I will start working on the 5 Year Journal afresh at the beginning of March and I think this will be far easier to keep up to date. This can be updated either in or out of the craft room. Bethany bunny approved of this new idea and that was good enough for me.
The index cards I had used will be re-purposed in some way as I don't want to waste them.
I'm off now to have a snoop round and see what other crafting folk have on their work desks this week.
Glad you are feeling better,you will have fun with your new journal.
Sounds like an interesting night project, pity the cards box won't fulfill its original need but the journal looks good
Bridget #8
Isn't it funny how the answer to problems often comes out of the blue? You were obviously meant to go into Paperchase and find that journal which will solve your crafting woes!
Hugs, LLJ 13 xx
Glad your feeling better Linda. The planner was a bargain wasn't it. Thanks for stopping by Jill #1
Looks interesting, I shall be watching to see what you do with this. Have a great day and happy woyww, Angela x 28
what a great 5 year project. happy woyww Vicky#3
Hope you're feeling a lot better now. February seems to be the time for coming down with all sorts of bugs-lots of people were under the weather.
Your organiser was a good buy at 50% off and very practical
#31 unless Mr Linky has changed it!
Goodness I wish you well, keeping up every day - would find that impossible - but I do hope you manage to do all you hope to achieve.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #40
Sorry you had not been feeling well, hope you are on the mend.
Good luck on your journal
Have a great day!
Diane WOYWW #44
Sorry you weren't feeling well. I love the organiser. It looks like it will work out well. At least you figured out the index project wouldn't work for you early on and you stopped when you didn't enjoy it anymore. We have to enjoy what we do or I think it shows.
Sharon K #47
Hi Linda, I haven't seen a Paperchase store in ages! Great idea with the planner, I would never ever keep it up, I know.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #12 xx
have fun with your planner... Paperchase is a good reason to go to have your nails done...!! Helen #2
Ooh that's a bargain. And a brilliant idea for five years, what a treasure it will be...and so cheery to look at too. Don't worry about the index cards..you really will find s use for them, I use them in crafting and work and old ones even have odd lists on the back!
You just gave me an idea!
What to do with my old, almost empty calendar, that I forgot
to use last year. I will make it an Art journal. Never tried it before.
So thanks! :)
I hope you´ll be inspired to during your visits on all desks...
Sussie nr 50
Great bargain, perfect for your project and half price ... sounds brilliant.
Lergy is here ...cough, splutter, sneeze, sniffle - sending this not germ free of course lol
Bargain journal. your five year project sounds interesting too. I have been doing the 365 Journal Challenge for about 5 years, its so interesting reading back through them.
Thanks for visiting my desk already
Kyla #6
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