a method of sewing with overlapping stitches
Backstitch is not my favourite part of cross stitching but I appreciate just what a difference it can make to the images you stitch. I have been merrily working on several motifs of the baby sampler this week. Here is how they looked before the backstitch was added.
The top one you can make out is going to be an elephant but the other two without backstitch would look pretty meaningless.
But now they are defined as a bootee and a nappy pin. So this week I have easily achieved five motifs, admittedly one of them is only a tiny heart but it's two more than the target I set. I should get a couple more done before the end of the week too. There are fifteen small motifs left and then three large one which go on the bottom of the border pattern. Ideally I would like to get all the small motifs completed by the end of February which is achievable if I put the effort in.
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Go Linda! You're so close...
You are right Linda, the back stitch is really important, they are looking super cute and big congratulations for completing more than your target.
My target for this weekend is to get the blouse pinned and final fitting and I would like to get some of it sewn up with "proper" stitches.... but who knows how it will all go....
Have a great weekend
k x
The difference backstitch makes to most pieces is amazing,it defines the stitching and makes it eye catching..your sampler is going to be very eye catching.
I have watched six of Linda Parker's demos, I am enjoying seeing all the techniques she uses.There are so many tools and varieties of stamps etc! I see why you enjoy your paper craft so much:)
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