Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Already tempted

The lovely Maja of the Snowflower Diaries is producing a FREE SAL for 2016 called Joyful World.  It's a primitive design but if the first picture is anything to go by it's going to be adorable.  If I manage to complete one of the Garden Cottage Samplings each month then I will allow myself to also work on this.  I will certainly be saving the charts to complete at some stage even if it's not this year.

I have been good though and working on the baby sampler since New Year's Day and am aiming to stitch at least one motif a day, so far I have completed the sun, two pins, a bonnet,a carrot, a hand print and something which in the main picture looks like a yellow pig!
I'm hoping to add a few more motifs during the week.  Depending on how much I am enjoying this one will determine whether  I will make a start on the June Country Cottage Samplings.

.On Sunday I was able to put  good few hours into the Cornwall Cottage Sampler and was pleased with the progress I made.

 A fairly large flower motif and a slightly smaller one have now been added and it was really pleasing to work on this one again.


Brigitte said...

Nice to see you stitching on these projects again. And you made good progress on them.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Great to see these projects again, too:)

Karen K said...

Looking lovely Linda, the baby sampler is so cute !

Julie said...

I've printed January off, couldn't resist the Snowflower Diaries myself.

Emma/Itzy said...

They look great! Join the SAL group on Facebook - January looks so sweet! :)

Annie said...

Great progress on your stitching! Keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get your baby sampler done in time for the birthday:)

Justine said...

I'm tempted by that SAL too but have held firm so far. I really want to reduce my WIP list this year. Stick with the baby sampler Linda, it's looking beautiful.