Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Where does need come into an equation?

I obviously haven't quite figured out the answer to this one out yet as although I didn't need these stamps they somehow travelled home with me from Scrapbook Magic!

These are from the Graphic 45 Safari Adventure collection and I am sure they will   prove very useful for male cards as well as some scrapbook pages I  have yet to do of our visits to Paignton Zoo.


My Card Attic: Hazel said...

I LOVE that quote, I have had it on one of my Pinterest boards from early on in my stamping life ;) Know what you mean about the stamps, they do hitch a ride in your bag when you're not looking, the little blighters! Have a great day! Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Pat said...

Gorgeous stamps Linda. I think I saw these being used on C & C today. I totally understand how they dropped in to your bag..lol. x