Sunday, 28 August 2016

Out and about

Yesterday Max took us for a walk around Devonport Park and Mount Wise.  There are some places we never tire of visiting.  The original bandstand in Devonport Park was dismantled in the 1950's but a new one was put up in 2012.

We found a tree which we couldn't decide on whether it was growing plums or damsons but it was bountiful.  We picked one of them and thought we might try and plant the stone to see if we could grow our own.

We think this beautiful flower is an Echinacea, if its not then please let me know. It certainly looked very colourful and pretty.

I love the pretty Lower Park Lodge building at one of the entrances which dates back to 1858 and was designed by Alfred Norman of Devonport in the style of a Swiss lodge - symbolic of the new Park being a place for healthy recreation and taking
the air. 

As we walked along to Vintage Brew for lunch this horse and carriage went by, no doubt on their way to collect the bride on her big day.  The horse's were looking very resplendent.  It was a beautiful day to get married.

We enjoyed a lovely doorstep sandwich at Vintage Brew, I could only manage to eat half of mine as it was humongous.  They kindly wrapped the other half up for me to enjoy later.  I had bacon, brie and cranberry sauce while Ian enjoyed chorizo, pepper and cheese.  They make their own breads which are delicious.  I went back later in the day to collect a loaf I ordered from them which they freshly baked for me in the afternoon.  Fabulous guys that run this place and a bonus that it is dog friendly.

While we were there we were able to watch the cricket match being held on the green opposite the cafe.  So far a great bank holiday weekend which I hope you are also enjoying.


My Card Attic: Hazel said...

WOW Linda! You really put me to shame, I was born and bred in here, and although I knew Devonport Park (of course), I never knew anything about it (G's right, I need to get out more!!). What a wonderful day you had, and that horse drawn buggy was amazing! I hope your BH weekend continues to thrill (I'm getting things together for our break away) . . . see you on our return my friend! Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Desiree Ehleiter said...

That sandwich looks wonderful. How lovely being able to order bread to be baked fresh for you!

Brigitte said...

Lovely pictures from a wonderful walk.