Monday, 18 April 2016

Just a little done

Lots of family time today.  Colette and the children came to visit this afternoon and as it was a lovely sunny day we took them over the park.  Bryan and family came for sunday roast so we also spent time with Harley-Jay.  All of this meant only half an hour to spend on wthe Cornwall cottage sampler today.  I also sustained a minor injury while playing with Max this afternoon which left one of my hands unable to grip the hoop as usual.

There is still one Sunday left in April to finish page 11 can I do it?


Saxo Stamper said...

Go Linda, go Linda, go Linda ! ! !

You can do it !

K x

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

You can do it and hope your hand is better soon

Julie said...

I've had a few days at the seaside so behind on blog reading again .... hope you are feeling much better now and your injury healing.
Cornish is looking good as is the Landscape window.